Six Reasons to Stop Asking a Childfree Woman “That” Question

A.B. - Mindful Words To Inspire
6 min readDec 2, 2019
Photo by Kyle Broad on Unsplash

“When are you going to have kids?”

As a childfree woman in her mid to late thirties, I’ve been asked “that” question (and similar ones) multiple times in all kinds of situations. It’s not really surprising at all.

But I’m not here to tell you my story. I’m here to share some behind-the-scenes stories I’ve heard of women who don’t have children. I want to be their voice for a minute when so many times they are afraid or embarrassed to speak for themselves. When so many times she struggles with finding the answer to that question you just asked.

Although this is mostly about childfree women, I must say this can also be a shoutout to all women, with or without children, because it’s all about choices!

Most importantly, I’m here to tell you why you need to stop asking “that” question in general. I want you to be very mindful and sensitive before asking any kind of personal questions, but “that question” specifically when you are talking to women who are married or in a stable, long relationship but have no kids.

Some of you might be wondering, “Sweet Lord, why is it so bad to ask something so simple?”

I know it is a “simple” and “harmless” question. I also know it’s not your fault or intention to upset someone by…



A.B. - Mindful Words To Inspire

English Teacher, Meditation Enthusiast, Writer, Lover of Inspiring Stories and Flashfiction. Visit her blog at