It’s Okay, Regardless
Two pieces of advice for chronic worriers
This might be the best thing chronic worriers and anxious folks will read today.
For starters, you know how the mind works — you’re probably way too familiar if you consider yourself a worrier. You’re here enjoying your day, sipping wine with friends, or trying to focus on work, trying to learn a new yoga pose, or simply feeding your kids. Then it suddenly wants your attention — like a stubborn, spoiled child, it will eventually get to you after its incessant cries for attention. You’d better give what it needs; otherwise, it won’t leave you alone.
Chronic worriers struggle to function in a normal society. Their attention has to be divided between living a normal life and dwelling anywhere other than in the present moment. They may worry about something from the past and indulge in self-blame and judgment. They may also get concerned they’ll be in trouble for their choices in the future. They also may feel like losing their minds when they cannot make a choice.
I must say that last week my mind seemed to be winning — I was getting my butt kicked. Badly. Meditation didn’t seem to help. Advice from friends didn’t either. Good reads couldn’t distract me enough. Was I losing it? You bet I was.