A prose poem in honor of my best friend
Today I am feeling blue.
But of a different kind.
Blue were the skies when you left us on this earthly plane.
As I drove you to your new destiny, your new home.
Going up and down winding roads and hills,
With tears in my eyes,
I couldn’t help but think
What a beautiful day to celebrate
the end of your Earthly journey
And the beginning of a magical one,
In a world free of pain,
Free of worries.
A world filled with Blue. Blue skies, blue streams, blue flowers.
When we first met, they called you Shadow
“Shadow?” I thought. “What a dark name!”
So I named you Blue.
And you became Blue Shadow.
A feline with a sense of wonder,
An explorer of the world,
Lover of streams, birds, and grass
You turned your Shadow into something light and meaningful
You gave me Shadow, protection from pain.